Moniet el Nefous

News at 

Moniet el Nefous 

IHA Wels 2024

Thalula came home with a new title, she is now brandnew 

                         !!!Austrian Champion!!!

Bibi got one day VG, the other day V3,

Bria had her first training in the showring


Kazim was on the first two days 3/4 in a strong Championclass, and on the last day he was

!!Best of Breed!! and  Christmas Winner 2024


Fantastic news!!!

Welcome home our lovely babygirl Savuka Sabria - Bria!!!!

Sooo happy to have this wonderful girl in our family now!


Kazim gained in addition to the ÖKWZR Cup Show Winner 2 new titles:

ÖKWZR Cup Racing Winner!!  and

ÖKWZR Cup Beauty and Performance Racing Winner!!!

Huge congratulations Elisabeth and Kazim!!!

IHA Klagenfurt 30.09.2024


Saturday: exc.2, res.CACA, res.CACIB

Sunday: exc.1/3,CACA, CACIB, BOB, BOG3, and Alpensieger!!!!


26. 09.2024: Kazimi has now official two new titles, he is from now on:

International Beauty Champion !!!    and

International Beauty and Performance Champion!!

so very proud of wonderful Kazimi!!

WRKA Krenglbach int. Silbertellerrennen,21.09.2024

Kazim: 2nd place , res. CACIL!!!

ÖKWZR CAC Show,22.09.2024

Kazim: Championclass exc.2, res.CACA

he is ÖKWZR CUP Show Winner 2024!!

Odin: Workingclass exc.1, CACA, he is BIS Working dog!!!


WRCT Inzing 26.08.2024

ÖKWZR Champion CACIL race:

Kazim: 2nd /4

Odin: solo 3rd/6

ÖKWZR Club Winner Show

Kazim: Championclass CACA

Odin:Workingclass CACA, Working dog BIS 3!!! and Odin became also ÖKWZR Club Winner!!!


IDS Salzburg 10.-11.08.2024

Kazim : 2* exc.2 , res.CACA

Bibi: exc. and vg


Austrian Mastership at WRKA in Krenglbach, 28.07.2024

Kazim: 3rd place with CCLA

Odin: 4th place


Storch von Marchegg race, 14.07.2024

Kazim: 1st place and CCLA!!!

Odin: 2nd place!!!!


National CCLA-race Untersiebenbrunn, 30.06.2024

Odin: solo 1st place!!!
Kazim: 3rd with CCLA!!!



CACIB Papa, 28.06.2024

Kazim: Championclass exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!!

                             Kazim is now brandnew HUNGARIAN CHAMPION!!!!

CACIB Postojnia, 22.-23-06.2024

Kazim: Championclass exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB

Odin: Workingclass exc.2, res.CAC

Kazim: exc.1, CAC, Best male, BOS!!!!

CACIL-coursing Postojnia:

Odin 4th, Kazim 6th place!!!


IHA Tulln, 7.-9.06.2024

Kazim, Champion class: 3*CACA, 2*res.CACIB,1*CACIB and BOB!!!!

Bibi, open class: V1, CACA

Thalula, Champion class: V2, res.CACIB



ARH Marchegg, National race , "Spring in the spring" 03.06.24

Odin: 1st place!!!

Kazim: 3rd place!!!


Double CAC Sighthound Show Grafenegg 12.05.24

Kazim: 2* open class: exc.2, res.CAC!!

Odin: Champion class: exc.3!!

Bibi: open class: exc.3!!

Thalula: Champion class. excellent!!

Meili: Best Veteran!!!! BIS Veteran 2!!!!


World Dog Show Zagreb 2024

We had fantastic results on the WDS: Judge: Arne Foss

Kazim, open class: 4th place out of 16!!!!!!

Meili, veteran class: exc!!!

Croatia Winner Show: Judge: Maja Cosic

Kazim, open class: 3 rd place out of 9!!!!


Nationale NÖ Kurzstreckenmeisterschaft 21.04.2024 Untersiebenbrunn

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous: 1st place, CCLA!!

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous: 2nd place!

Odin is brandnew Austrian Racing Champion!!!!


CACIL- Coursing Spitzerberg

Kazim : 1st place with CCLA, CACIL and BOB!!!!

Odin: 4th place!


CACIB Premstätten, 2.-3. March

We had great results on this weekend!!

2. March: Kazim: exc 1/3, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG1 Premstätten Winner 2024!!!

                   Kenai : V2/3 !!!!! his very first show and he was such a good boy!

                   Thalula V2/4 res. CACA

                   Bibi: V2 without title

                   Olivia: V3 without title

3. March: Kazim: exc 1/2, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG3 Styrian Winner 2024!!!

                   Thalula: V2, res. CACA

                    Bibi: exc 1, CACA, CACIB, BOS Styrian Winner 2024!!!!




ÖKWZR honouring for the best sighthound of all breeds in 2023:

Second place out of 199 goes to 

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous!!!

Fifth place in youthclass goes to

Baha Habibi Moniet el Nefous!!!!

16.2.2024 CACIB Nitra:

Kazim was entered for one day, where he finished his brandnew title     Slovakian Champion    with stile

exc 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!!

Congratulations Kazimi and  Elisabeth!!!

The new Saluki ranking list of Austria is out now, and the boys are amazing!!!!!

Top list Show- male:

1 st place Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous

2 nd place Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous

Race ranking - male:

1 st place Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous

3 rd place Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous

Beauty & performance race - male:

1 st place Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous

2 nd place Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous


Thank you so much Elisabeth for your engagement in leading the boys to this fantastic results!!!!! You did such an amazing work with them!!

13.-14.1.2024 CACIB Celje

Kazimi made us so proud again!!

CACIB 1: exc 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Slovenian Winner

CAC: exc 1, CAC

CACIB 2: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, crufts qualification

Kazim got this wonderful ad to his birthday 

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6. December Nitra, Slovakia, last show for this year

Kazim only was entered for one day with great result!

exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!!!

1.-3. December CACIB Wels:

Imani was only shown on 1. december and won her class ex.1/2 CACA, so she is now brandnew

                          Austrian Champion!!

Odin was only shown on 1. december and won his class exc.1/2 CACA

Imani and Odin won the 3rd place in a large group of braceclasses !!!


1. 12.: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Winner Wels 2023 and BOG 5!!!

2.12.: exc.1, CACA, res. CACIB

3.12.: exc.1, CACA, res. CACIB

both res. CACIB will become full CACIB

13. November Double exhibition Esztergom, Komarom

On both Shows Kazim was exc.1, CAC, BOB and res. BOG!!!!

29.10.2023 ARH Mastership race in Marchegg

Odin wons the CCLA!!!

Kazim was 2nd!!!!

Huge congratulations!!!!!

28.10.2023 INCHEBA EXPO Bratislava

Intermediate class: exc.1 CAC

Very proud of our dear Kazimi

5.10.2023 CACIB Tulln

Kazim did a great job again

In intermediate class all three days : 3*CACA, 1*res.CACIB

Congratulations Kazim and Elisabeth!!!!

I proudly have to share some news from the racetrack

01.08.2023 National race "Storch von Marchegg"

Odin : 1st place and CCLA

Kazim: 2nd, his first official race!

08.10.2023 National race Untersiebenbrunn

Odin: 2nd place

Kazim: 3rd place

29.10.2023 National ARH Mastership Marchegg

Odin: 1st place

Kazim: 2nd place

That's the way to go boys!!!

22.-23.7.2023 CACIB Klagenfurt

Great results for our team in Klagenfurt

Kazim was so great again! 

Out of intermediate class

Saturday: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, Crufts Qualification, BOB and res. BIG!!!

Sunday: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, Alpenwinner 23, and BOS!!

The girls only attend on Sunday

Bibi first time in intermediate class: exc.1, CACA

Imani in open class: exc.2(2/4), res.CACA

CAC CACIB Show Rogla 30.06.-2.7.2023

 We spend a fantastic weekend in Rogla with great results:

Kazim: brandnew Slovenian Champion!!!!!!!!, 1*BOS, 1*BOB, BOG and BIS3!!!!!!

Bibi: brandnew Slovenian Youthchampion!!!!!!

Odin and Imani 2 times Best in Show couple 1 !!!!!!

Haifa aka Olivia entered for the first time the showring and gained exc2, res, CAC!!!!

Imani got all three days exc.2, res.CAC

ÖKWZR Club Show 2023 Krenglbach 18.06.2023

Kazim left us all speachless:

BIS for our sweet Kazim!!!!

out of youthclass he got: exc.1, JB, JBOB, J-Clubwinner and BOB!!!!

It goes on with: res. J-BIS, Junior-Clubwinner BIS and finally BIS!!!!

Odin became ÖKWZR Clubwinner!!!

Habibi became exc.1, Jugendsieger and Klubjugendsieger

Thalula: V2, res.CACA

Thalula and Odin won braceclass!!!!!

CACIB Bytom, Polen 11.06.2023

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous: exc.1 CWC 

Odin is now Polish Champion!!!!

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous:

exc.1 CWC, res.CACIB !

CACIB Postojna 03.06.2023

First show and first CAC for Basil Rashad Moniet el Nefous!!!!

Well done Tadeja!!! Congratulations!!!!

20.-21.5.2023 Double ÖKWZR  CAC Sighthound Show Grafenegg

What a great show in wonderful location, we had some really nice results:

Odin: exc 2/4, and exc 4/4

Kazim: exc3/4 and exc 2/3

Meili: both days exc 1, best Veteran, she is now brandnew  Austrian Veteranchampion!!!

Thalula: exc 3 on both days

Imani: was only shown on saturday with exc

Bibi: exc 2 and vg on sunday, she doesn´t want to be touched by this judge

In the show competitions we gained 

!!Best breeding group with Meili, Odin, Thalula and Imani!! and 

!!Best couple with Odin and Imani!!

So very proud of our great team!!!

Huge thanks to Elisabeth showing them perfectly in the ring of honour!!

14.5.2023 Mosonmagyarovar CAC

Kazimi did it again! Out of intermediate class all the way to BOB!

Congratulations Kazim and Elisabeth!!!


07.05.2023 Papa- Esterhazy memorial CACIB

Kazim( 16 months) first time in intermediate class

going all the way to   BIG!!!!!

Huge congratulations Kazim and Elisabeth!!

Dora Levstek made wonderful pictures of our Salukis in Maribor, we also meet lovely Rashad (Basil) there :) 

21.-23. 04.2023 CACA, CACIB Maribor

Our little princess Imani surprised us on Saturday going all the way from CAC, CACIB, best female, BOB and finally BOG3!!!!

Soo very happy!!!!

Friday  she got exc.2

Bibi: Friday: exc.1, JCACA

Saturday: exc.1, JCACA, JCACIB

Good job girls!!!!

Kazim: all three days JCACA and JBOB!!

and on sunday best male and BOS!!!

so Kazim is now Slovenian Youth Champion!!!

Odin was shown only on saturday and was res.CAC,and res.CACIB! 

Great job boys!!!

CACIB Ceske Budejovice

Kazim: exc.1/3, CACJ, CACIB-J, JBOB and J-BIG!!!!

Odin: exc.1, CAC!

Odin is now brandnew Czech Champion!!!!

Huge congratulations!!

National Dog Show Spilberka Brno

Kazim: exc.2/3

Odin: exc.1, CAC

Well done boys!!!

01.04-02.04.2023 CACIB Salzburg

Saturday: Odin: V1,CACA, CACIB

                    Kazim:V1/3, JB, JCACIB, JBOB; and BOS!!!

Sunday: Odin: V1,CACA, CACIB, BOB, Alpensieger and BOG 5!!!!!

                  Kazim: V1/2, JB, JCACIB, Alpenjugendsieger!!

Huge congratulations boys!!!!!!

18.03.2023 IHA Premstätten( Graz)

What a fabulous day for our great team in Graz!!!

Our results:

Anthea Thalula Moniet el Nefous: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOS!!

Baha Habibi Moniet el Nefous: exc.1, Jugendbester, JCACIB

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous: exc.2, res. CACA, res.CACIB

and our little Star

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous: exc.1, JB, JCACIB, JBOB, JBOG, JBIS!!!!!!

Kazim is now brandnew Austrian Junior Champion!!

So incredible happy and proud !!

So lovely that we meet Haifa and Yumi at the show!!!

11.03.2023 CACIB Pezinok, Bratislavsky kraj, Slovakia

Kazim and Odin were so successful!!!

Kazim: exc.1/2, CACJ, Speciality Junior Winner 2023, JBOB and BOS!!!!!!!!

Odin: exc.1, winner of honour class and honour res. BIS!!

Huge congratulations to Elisabeth and her boys!!!!

 So very proud of them !! 

March 2023, we spend a wonderful weekend in Istria!!!

18.-19.02.2023 CACIB Nitradog Carnevalshow

Kazim made us all so proud!!

He did a fantastic job and win 

exc.1 (1/5), CACJ, CACIB-J, BOJ and BIG-J 3 !!!!

Bravo Elisabeth and Kazim!!!!!


Odin won the 5. place ÖKWZR Show-Champion 2022

30.01.2023: Timisoara, Romania

Odin: CAC-Show: CAC, BOB, BOG3!!!

             CACIB 1: CAC, CACIB, BOS

             CACIB 2: CAC, CACIB, BOB

Odin is now Romanian  Grand Champion!!!!

Kazim:   All three shows: CACJ, CACIB-J, BOJ!!


13.01.2023: !!!!Happy 1st birthday my precious B-Babies!!!!

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CACIB Wels 2.-3. 12.2022


2.12.2022: Junior class: V1, JB, Junior Winner Wels 2022

3.12.2022: Junior class:V1, JB, JBOB, Junior Winter Trophy 2022

Kazim is now brand new 

!!!!C.I.B.-J. International Junior Beauty Champion!!!!


2.12.2022: Champion class: V2, res.CACA

3.12.2022: Champion class: V1, res.CACIB

28.11.2022 at  Zagrebacki Vlesajam

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous is brand new 

!!!!Croatian Champion!!!!

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous : Ex 1, CAJC

22.11.2022  We celebrate the 4. birthday of our A-kids!!

All the best to my very special Odin, Yumah, Thalula, Imani, Nenejh and Kenai!!!

Basil Rashad Moniet el Nefous visited us at the end of October, the siblings had a blast and we were sooo happy to see him once again, love this wonderful soul sooo much!!!

CACIB INCHEBA EXPO Bratislava 28.-30.10.2022

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous had some wonderful results

28.10. : Youthclass, exc.1/2, CAJC, JBOB

30.10. : Youthclass, exc.3/5

Bravo!!! That´s the way to go Kazim!

CACIB Komarom 21.-23. 10.2022

First time for Kazim in youthclass!

1* exc.2 and 2* exc.3

soooo proud of this little prince!!

Odin was as company to pick up his Hungarian Grand Champion Pokal!


Dog show in Zabrze/ Poland 8.-9. 10.2022

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous: 2*very promising and BIS 2!!!
Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous: in championclass 2* exc and 2 CWC!

Huge congratulations to Elisabeth and her Super-boys!!


ÖKWZR - Clubwinnershow of FCW 17.09.2022

We achieved some nice results there:

Kazim : BIS youngest!!!

Meili: Veteranclubwinner and BIS ÖKWZR Clubveteranwinner

Bibi: very promising  and BIS youngest 3

Thalula : Championclass V2

Odin : Championclass V3 and ÖKWZR Cup winner, and he became Show Winner 2022

Yumi: Championclass sg


CACA -Show WWRV Untersiebenbrunn 21.08.2022

We had a wonderful meeting of all A-litter kids there, they soon will turn 4 years now.


And we also had some great results at the national show :

Kazim:  Best baby and BIS- baby!!!

Meili: Best veteran and BIS 2 veteran!!!

Odin: Championclass V1 CACA

Imani: Open class V1 CACA

Thalula: Championclass V4

Nenejh: Open class V

Bibi: Very promising baby

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CACIB Klagenfurt, 23.-24.7.2022

Imani: 23.7.2022, exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!!!

             24.7.2022, exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB

Soo proud of our sweet princess!!

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CAC and CACIB Rogla, Slovenia 1.-3.7.2022

Odin: 3*CAC, 2*CACIB,2*BOS,1*BOB

Odin is now 

!!!! International beauty Champion  !!!

Kazim: minor puppy: 3* very promising and

BIS minor puppy! on Saturday

so he has the title now !Slovenian Hope!

Thalula: 3*CAC, 1*res.CACIB, 1*CACIB

Thalula is now  !!!Slovenian Champion!!!

So very proud of our great team!

 CAC Nyiregyhaza in Hungary

20.6.2022: Odin: Ch class: exc 1, CAC, BOB

Odin is now !!!Hungarian Grand Champion!!!

Kazim: Minor puppy : very promising

under judge György Tesics

CACA Show of WRCT Inzing Tirol

 4.6.2022: Odin: V1 CACA

                                 with his solo race he won the title of beauty and performance

           Kazim: very promising and Baby BIS

CACIB Bled, Slovenia

 28.5.2022: Thalula, Openclass,V3

                      Habibi, very promising, best Puppy

                      Rashad, was best Puppy at the Speciality Show

29.5.2022: Thalula, V2,res.CAC

                      Habibi, very promising, best Puppy

CACIB Papa, Hungary

21.5.2022: Yumah, V1,CAC,CACIB

           Odin: V1,CAC,CACIB, BOS!!!

22.5.2022: Yumah, V1,CAC,CACIB,

           Odin: V1,CAC,CACIB

Sooo proud of beautiful Odin and Yumah!!!


IHA Oberwart


Odin: Championclass,V2, res.CACA

Imani: Openclass,V2,res.CACA

Thalula: Openclass,V

IDS Nitra Spring-Cup

Odin and Elisabeth did a fantastic job there!

5.5.2022: V1,CACA,  res.CACIB

6.5.2022: V1, CACA, CACIB

Odin is now     Slovakian Grand Champion  !!!!

1.5.2022 ÖKWZR-CACA-Clubshow in Krenglbach

So very happy and proud of the fantastic results of our great team:

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous: CACA, BOB and BIS 2

Anthea Thalula Moniet el Nefous: CACA, BOS

Afnan Yumah Moniet el Nefous: Championclass V3

Alisha Imani Moniet el Nefous: Open class V4

Odin and Imani won BIS couple!!!

Bahjah Kazim Moniet el Nefous: very promising

Baha Habibi Moniet el Nefous: very promising and puppy BIS


So sweet Haifa was here for 4 days and we made some lovely pics of the sisters

IHA Salzburg

Wonderful Odin achieved some very nice results:

09.04.2022, V2, res.CACA

10.04.2022, V1, CACA,res.CACIB

Odin got a new title and a very huge trophy! He is now 

Hungarian Show Champion

Congratulations Odin and Elisabeth!!

Puppy pics at 11 weeks

Puppy pics at 8 weeks

Puppy pics at 6 weeks

Puppy pics at 5 weeks

Wintershow in Budapest  17.-20.2.2022

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous celebrates a wonderful success with 

3*CAC, 1* res. CACIB, 1*CACIB

Puppy pics at 4 weeks

Puppy pics at 3 weeks

Duo CACIB Brünn 2022

Odin achieved fantastic results

5.2.2022 open class Ex 1, CAC(1/4)

6.2.2022 open class Ex 2, res.CAC(2/4)

Congratulations Odin and Elisabeth!!

Some mixed pics of puppies 2 weeks old

Every puppy has an own page now, go to Puppies

Puppies 3 days old

                Our gorgeous puppies are born!!!!

On 13. January2022


2 wonderful grizzle girls in gold and black.

2 wonderful grizzle boys in gold and silver irish marked

Mummy and puppies are doing great, it was a save, easy and fast birth.

More pictures will follow soon!!!

                         Meili on day 47 of her pregnancy

Our wonderful Odin  achieved another new title, he is now brandnew:

                            !! Austrian Champion !! 

Congratulations Elisabeth and Odin to your great success !!

Sooo happy and proud:

We are expecting our second litter around 

11. January 2022

you will find more detail when you go to Litters


 Wonderful results at the last show this year for our team !!

At the IHA Tulln 12.-14. November 2021 Odin had fantastic results:

1 res. CACA, 2 CACA, 1 res. CACIB, 1 CACIB, and

                                           1 BOB and BIG 1

Beautiful Yumah also had great results:

2 V2, res. CACA, 1 V3

can´t be more proud !!!! Huge Congratulations Elisabeth and Jenny !!!

 Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous had a fabulous year 2020 in shows, so he got the title :

                 ÖKWZR Junior Show Champion of 2020 first place

and ÖKWZR Showchampion 2020 tenth place


29. and 31.10.2021 Bratislava Danube CACIB 

Odin´s results out of Champion class:

2CAC and 2 res.CACIB

so Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous is brand new

                           !!! Slovakian Champion !!!

Congratulations Odin !!!


30.October 2021      CACIL-Coursing Spitzerberg 

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous:

                          ÖKWZR-Cup-Coursing-Winner 2021  !

 CACIB Salzburg

23.10.2021: Odin: V2, res. CAC

                       Yumah: V1, CAC

Afnan Yumah Moniet el Nefous is now brandnew

                     !!! Austrian Champion !!!

Huge Congratulations wonderful Yumi !!!!

24.10.2021: Odin: V2, res.CAC

                       Yumah: VG3

                       Imani: VG2


       Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous is now 

       !!! International Champion of Beauty and Performance !!!

Huge congratulations Odin !!!

26.September 2021

National Coursing St. Aegyd

Odin won the CCLA!

CACIB Nitra Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous

24.September 2021: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB

25.September 2021: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

September 18, 2021: Club winner show WRKA in Krenglbach

Afnan Yumah Moniet el Nefous won the title Beauty Winner 2021

Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous : V1, CACA in Champion class and

September 19, 2021: Agar club- Hungarian coursing derby in Siofok-Kiliti

Odin won 2nd place res. CACL, and res.CACIL

21.August 2021: Club winner show ÖKWZR

Congratulations Yumah !!

Yumah: V1 (1/5), CACA in open class

Congratulations to Sabine´s Salukis !!

Nenejh: V4 in open class

Circe: V3 in youth class

14.August 2021

We spent a wonderful day at the Saluki challenge in Hohenberg, where our Salukis were allowed to try a cross country race for the first time. Nenejh and Circe did a great job, so Kenai had great fun. Yumi was the fastest Saluki at this challenge !!

July 31, August 1, 2021: Club Victory Show Inzing

Afnan Yumah Moniet el Nefous  : V3 open class

3 rd place at the race , so she gained !! 1. Place for Beauty and Performance !! 

July 11 : Yumi had her first race today! After two wonderful runs she ended up on 5th place !!!

Bravo Yumi !! So proud of you!

Odin started his Slowakian Champion with some nice results on 9. July in Nitra

exc.2, res.CAC

Exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB

Odin is !! Hungarian champion !!

6.-7. June CACIB Komarom:

Exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB


June 27: CAC-Show Mosonmagyarovar

Exc.1, CAC, BOB

June 19: Congratulation to Odin and Yumah , they both get their Racing license today

We have litterplans for Winter 2021/22, for more informations please contact us

March 2021

We visited Odin and his lovely family, the dogs where so wonderful together.

(click on the pic to see it in full size)

February 2021

Yumah and her new sister Coco visited us, also Nenejh and her new sister Circe where at our place, it was such a beautiful meeting !!! (click on the pics)

18.10.2020 Spitzerberg int. Coursing 

                         Odin: 4 th place out of 8, and res.CACIL 

What a great result !!!


5.10.2020 U7B Int. short distance race, solorun

                     Odin: 2 nd place

                     Yumah: 4th place

Huge congratulations to our fast team !!!!!!

 IHA Tulln, 26-27.9.2020

26.9.2020: Yumah: BOS !!! CACIB, CACA 🎉🎉🎉

                      Odin: exc.2.res.CACA

27.9.2020: Yumah: exc.1 CACA

                     Odin: exc.1 CACA

                      Imani: exc.2.res.CACA

                     Thalula: exc.3 (3/8)

Sooo happy with this great results !!!!!

Huge congratulations to Yumah and Jenny !!!!!! What a fantastic result for our great team !!!


20.09.2020 CACIL-Coursing St.Ägyd 

Odin (4/8) CACIL

Yumah (3/6)

Wonderful !!! Huge congratulations to our great teams!

Odin first official coursing + show

we are so proud of wonderful Odin !!!


National coursing Mistrovstvi CZ 5th place (5/12)


CZ Saluki Club Show (52 Saluki)

ZK; exc 1 (1/3) CAC

Odin, is brand     new !!!!!!!!!!! Slovenian Champion !!!!!!!!!!       

4. - 6.9.2020 CAC + CACIB Lesce / Bled

3 shows and 3 times CAC, so Odin is Slovenian Champion !! 

Odin and Yumah joined their first Coursing in Ottenschlag last weekend. They both did a great job !!!

CACIB Papa and Esterhazy Memorial, Hungary

Open class under judges: Mr. Vojtek and Mr. Csoba-Zsolt

Odin had wonderful results:

20.06.2020   V1 / CAC / res. CACIB

21.06.2020 V1 / CAC

Huge congratulations Odin and Elisabeth!

Since 1.3.2020 Kenai is allowed to run without leash , after his broken femur !! And he is sooo happy now, and so are we!

IHA Graz, 29.2.2020

Odin in youthclass   - exc 2

Imani in youthclass - exc 2

Thalula in youthclass - exc 1, JBOB

And once again Odin and Imani won 2nd best couple in Show !! 

 CACIB Celje + Winter Winner Celje 22. + 23. February 2020, Judges Sue Bownds / AU and Dusan Paunovic / RS

22.2.- Thalula in Youthclass exc 1, Junior Winner

23.2.                                             exc 1, Junior Winner, Junior BOB, Junior Winter Winner 2020

So Thalula is now Slovenian Junior Champion !

22.2.- Odin in Youthclass exc 1, Junior Winner, Junior BOB

23.2 .- exc 1, Junior Winner

And the best comes now: Odin and Imani won 2nd best brace in Show !!

CACIB Slovenia Winner in Celje 18. + 19. January 2020, Judges are Gerard Jipping / NL and Torbjörn Skaar / SE

18.1. - Thalula in Youthclass exc 1, Junior Winner, Junior BOB
19.1. exc 1, Junior Winner, JuniorBOB
18.1. - Imani in Youthclass vg2
19.1. exc2
18.1. - Leili in Championclass exc 3
19.1. - exc 2, res CAC

Good girls !!

CACIB Wels2019

7.11.2019 - Thalula in youthclass: exc4  under Bart Scheerens

8.11.2019 - Imani in youthclass exc 2 under Audrie Vansteelant-Benoit

I'm very proud of my girls!

CACIB Wels 2019 - Odin-

7-8.11.2019-Youthclass: both days exc3, under judge Bart Scheerens and Audrie Vansteelant-Benoit

Congratulations Odin!

 Zagreb Winter Classic 2019    - Odin-

23.11.2019-Youthclass: ex 1/2, JB, Crufts Qualification, under judge Sandra Terzic

24.11.2019- Youthclass: ex 1/2, JB, JBOB, Zagreb Junior Winner 2019, under judge Helen Tonkson-Koit

Odin is new  Croatian Junior Champion


Zagreb, 18th Sighthound Special Show   -Odin-

22.11.2019: Youthclass, ex1/2, JB, JBOB, Junior Club Winner 2019, BIS2, under judge Peter Friedrich and Lea Gudelj

Bravo Odin!!


26. u. 27.10.2019  Danube CACIB Bratislava. Odin was ex2 under judge Susan Cameron-Codognotto (AU) on the first day, and on second day he was exc1, CAJC, JBOB and Crufts Qualification under judge Tanya Ahlmann-Stockmari (FI). Well done Odin and Elisabeth!! We are so happy and proud!!

20.10.2019 Odin was at our place for a short visit!!

28.u.29.09.2019 IHA Tulln. Elisabeths beautiful Akeem Odin Moniet el Nefous was shown in Youthclass under judge Anne Mc Donald(GB) with wonderful results:     ex 1/4,  Youthbest, and Crufts Qualification. On second day under judge Tamas Jakkel(H) ex 2/4. Congratulations Elisabeth, we are so proud of  wonderful Odin!

14.07.2019 CACIB Savar Hungary. Judge Natalya Sedyh. Imani got very promising. Thalula also got very promising and was best puppy!

13.7.2019 IHA Oberwart. Judge Zdenka Jilkova. Alisha Imani Moniet el Nefous got very promising and was best puppy. Anthea Thalula Moniet el Nefous also got very promising. They both got very nice judge reports. Thank you so much Sabine for perfect handling of Imani!

 19.5.2019 Grafenegg Winner Show. We had a wonderful family meeting there, and kids where judged by Niklas Eriksson, Sweden. Odin, Yumah, Thalula and Imani got very promising. Nenejh got promising. I am so, so happy for this results, the kids where great!!!

11.5.2019  Eurosighthound in Planice, Slowenien. Girls did a great job. Thalula got very promising and was best minor baby with a lovely judge report from Agneta Doverholt, Sweden. Imani also got very promising and was placed 3rd,  also with a very  nice judge report. I am very happy and proud of my little Supergirls!!

26.4.2019   Today is Leilis 5. birthday, and we make some lovely pics, click on the pics to see them in full size.

20.4.2019  Thalula got on her first Show in Maribor    very promising 1    , she behaved very well and got a lovely judge report from Juha Kares from Finland. I am very proud of my little girl!


Every Puppy has got an own page where you can see the latest pictures, just click on Puppies

Our puppies are born !!

6 wonderful puppies were born on 22.11.2018

2 boys in the color creme-white parti

and cream  

4 girls in the colors lightcreme- white parti, gold, grizzle and black-white parti

Here are some mixed puppie-pics

This picture is taken on day 56 , 15.11.2018, only a few days to go !!


   Great news!

We will have puppies around November 20, 2018!

Proud parents are:

Delayla al Noushafarin & Al Zubeyda Fodeil


for more info go to litters

At CAC Specialty in Varazdin Leili got V2, R-CAC in Championclass

At IHA Wieselburg on 12.05.2018 Leili got V1 in Championclass

In Grafenegg on 6.5.2018 Leili got V2 in the Championclass